転職はリクナビNEXT/求人 仕事探し 転職活動を支援 正社員 求人も 仕事探し 転職サイトで転職
by Recruit Co.,Ltd.
🗂️ Business
Version 10.40.0 💾 4 Mb
📅 Updated April 21, 2022
Support your job search with the app of Recruits job information site "Rikunabi NEXT". One of the largest job openings in the industry. Scouts from companies that are interested in you!
Features 転職はリクナビNEXT/求人 仕事探し 転職活動を支援 正社員 求人も 仕事探し 転職サイトで転職
ーーリクナビNEXTについて ーー●(株)リクルートが提供(※1)●会員数916万人突破(2019年6月末時点)●大手からベンチャーまで業界最大級の求人数(毎週水・金に更新)●登録かんたん、全て無料で使える仕事探しアプリ——主な機能 ——▼希望の条件から求人検索!・勤務地(東京、大阪、福岡など)・職種(営業、事務、企画、サービス、販売、コンサルタント、ITエンジニアなど)・年収・雇用形態(正社員、契約社員、派遣社員、アルバイトなど)・設立年月日・業種(IT、メーカー、商社、流通、小売、サービス、専門コンサル、金融、不動産など)・スキル・こだわり条件(内定まで2週間、10名以上採用、女性が活躍、第二新卒、応募者全員と面接、学歴不問、フリーターから正社員、中途採用50%以上など)・企業名▼前回の求人検索条件を保存して効率的に仕事探し!▼希望条件を登録して、希望に沿う求人をタイムラインで見れる!▼あなたに興味を持った企業や転職エージェントからスカウトが来る!▼掲載されている求人票で選考プロセスを確認!▼気に入った企業は「気になるリスト」に追加、応募もかんたん!▼企業や転職エージェントとのメッセージを管理できる!▼Webのアカウントと連携!——リクナビNEXT(リクナビネクスト )はこんな方にオススメ!——・利用者数が最大の転職サイト、転職アプリを使いたい・日本最大級の求人情報から、自分にぴったりな求人、転職先を探したい・転職アプリで企業とのメッセージや、やり取りを漏れなく管理したい・転職サイト・転職アプリ上で限定求人の転職情報を探したい・プッシュ通知で新着情報のお知らせや選考のリマインドを受け取り、転職活動をスムーズに進めたい・登録した検索条件に合う求人が出たらすぐに通知を受け取れる転職サイトに登録したい・チャットで転職について相談できる転職サイトを使いたい・膨大な求人情報から、自分にあった好条件の求人、転職先をオススメしてもらいたい・忙しい転職活動中に、企業との面接の日程をスムーズに決めたい・転職の基本情報や転職のコツなどの転職ノウハウを知りたい・転職サイトで自分の強みを知って面接対策をしたい・転職したいが、求人を探す時間がないので転職アプリでサクサク探したい・スムーズに転職を進めたいので、お気に入りに登録した企業からも反応が欲しい・忙しいから自分で探すのではなく企業側からオファーがくる転職サイトがいい・自分で求人を探しながら企業からもオファーがくる転職サイトで転職活動をしたい・現在や過去の勤務先の企業にレジュメを公開せずに転職活動をしたい・転職サイトにある多くの求人から自分にあった条件で求人や企業を探したい・仕事探しのヒントになる自己分析ツールがある転職アプリを使いたい・女性の転職に役立つ情報、転職情報を集めたい・女性の転職向けの求人を見つけたい・仕事もプライベートも両立できる、女性が活躍できる職場に転職したい・女性従業員が4割以上の職場に転職したい・第二新卒で転職を考えている・Iターン・Uターン、移住転職を歓迎している求人を探したい・未経験者歓迎の求人、転職先を探したい・求人情報と転職情報やお役立ち情報が1つにまとまった転職サイトがいい・内定まで2週間で転職できる求人を探したい(スピード転職したい)・固定給が35万以上の企業に転職したい・年間休日120日以上、完全週休2日制、土日祝日休みの企業に転職したい・フレックス勤務や、服装が自由な社風の会社に転職したい・自分に興味を持っている企業からオファーをもらえる転職サイトに登録したい・企業からのオファーメールを活用して自分の市場価値を知って転職活動を進めたい・自分で直接応募できる転職サイトを使いたい・自分にあったいい会社に転職したい・豊富な検索条件から仕事探しをしたい・実際の職場の雰囲気から仕事探しをしたい・無料の転職サイトで仕事探しをしたい・登録者数が最大級の転職サイトで仕事探しがしたい・自分の好きなタイミングで仕事探しがしたい・初めての転職なので、職務経歴書の書き方や転職のノウハウを知ってから仕事探しを始めたい・効率的に仕事探しがしたい・自分で仕事探しをするだけでなく、自分の好みにあった企業をオススメしてくれる転職サイトを使いたい・正社員 求人だけでなく契約社員 求人の仕事探しもできる転職サイトがいい・求人情報が毎週更新される転職サイトで仕事探しをしたい・正社員への転職をしたい・正社員の転職 仕事探しができる転職サイトがいいーー備考 ーー(※1)リクナビNEXTは(株)リクルートが提供、運営しています。リクルートグループは、その他にも、転職支援サービスであるリクルートエージェントを提供しています。--About Rikunabi NEXT ---● Provided by Recruit Co., Ltd.
(* 1)● Number of members exceeded 9.16 million (as of the end of June 2019)● The largest number of job openings in the industry, from major companies to venture companies (updated weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays)● Easy registration, job search app that can be used for free——Main functions ——▼ Search for jobs based on your desired conditions!・ Work location (Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, etc.)・ Occupation (sales, office work, planning, service, sales, consultant, IT engineer, etc.)·annual income・ Employment form (regular employee, contract employee, temporary employee, part-time job, etc.)·Date of establishment・ Industry (IT, manufacturer, trading company, distribution, retail, service, professional consulting, finance, real estate, etc.)·skill・ Specific conditions (2 weeks until unofficial decision, hire 10 or more people, active women, second new graduates, interviews with all applicants, no educational background, freeters to full-time employees, mid-career hires 50% or more, etc.)·Company name▼ Save the previous job search conditions and search for jobs efficiently!▼ Register your desired conditions and see the jobs that meet your wishes on the timeline!▼ Scouts come from companies and career change agents who are interested in you!▼ Check the selection process on the posted job vacancies!▼ Add your favorite companies to the "Curious List" and apply easily!▼ You can manage messages with companies and job change agents!▼ Link with a web account!——Rikunabi NEXT is recommended for people like this!
——・ I want to use the job change site and job change app with the largest number of users.・ I want to find a job or a new job that suits me from the largest job information in Japan.・ I want to manage all messages and exchanges with companies with the job change app.・ I want to find job change information for limited jobs on the job change site / job change app.・ I want to receive notifications of new information and reminders for selection through push notifications, and proceed smoothly with job change activities.・ I want to register on a job change site where I can receive notifications as soon as a job that matches the registered search conditions appears.・ I want to use a job change site where I can talk about changing jobs via chat.・ I would like you to recommend a job with favorable conditions and a new job from a huge amount of job information.・ I want to smoothly schedule an interview with a company during a busy job change activity.・ I want to know job change know-how such as basic information on job change and tips for changing jobs.・ I want to know my strengths on the job change site and prepare for an interview・ I want to change jobs, but I dont have time to look for a job, so I want to search quickly with the job change app.・ I want to change jobs smoothly, so I want a response from companies that have been registered as favorites.・ Because I am busy, I would like a job change site where offers come from the company side instead of searching by myself.・ I want to change jobs on a job change site where I get offers from companies while looking for a job on my own.・ I want to change jobs without disclosing my resume to the company I work for now or in the past.・ I want to find a job or company from many jobs on the job change site under the conditions that suit me.・ I want to use a job change app that has a self-analysis tool that can be a hint for finding a job.・ I want to collect useful information and job change information for women.・ I want to find a job for women to change jobs・ I want to change jobs to a workplace where women can play an active role, where both work and private life can be achieved.・ Female employees want to change jobs to more than 40% of workplaces・ I am thinking of changing jobs as a second new graduate・ I want to find a job that welcomes I-turn / U-turn, migration and job change・ I want to find a job or a new job that welcomes inexperienced people・ A job change site that combines job information, job change information, and useful information is good.・ I want to find a job that can change jobs in 2 weeks until I get a job offer (I want to change jobs quickly)・ I want to change jobs to a company with a fixed salary of 350,000 or more・ I want to change jobs to a company that has 120 days or more of annual holidays, a complete weekly two-day system, and weekends and holidays.・ I want to change jobs to a company with a corporate culture where I can work flextime and dress freely.・ I want to register for a job change site where I can get offers from companies that are interested in me.・ I want to use the offer emails from companies to know my market value and proceed with job change activities.・ I want to use a job change site where I can apply directly・ I want to change jobs to a good company that suits me・ I want to search for a job from abundant search conditions・ I want to find a job from the atmosphere of the actual workplace・ I want to find a job on a free job change site・ I want to find a job on a job change site with the largest number of registrants・ I want to find a job at my favorite timing・ Because this is my first job change, I want to start looking for a job after knowing how to write a work history and know-how for changing jobs.・ I want to find a job efficiently・ I want to use a job change site that not only searches for a job by myself, but also recommends a company that suits my taste.・ A job change site that allows you to search for jobs for contract employees as well as regular employees is good.・ I want to find a job on a job change site where job information is updated weekly.・ I want to change jobs to a full-time employee・ A job change site where you can search for jobs for regular employees is good.--Remarks ---(* 1) Rikunabi NEXT is provided and operated by Recruit Co., Ltd.
Recruit Group also provides Recruit Agent, a job change support service.【追加機能等】・内部処理を変更いたしました。 現在、改善開発も引き続き行っております。また、不具合についても、随時解消しておりますので、引き続き、応援お願いいたします。
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See the 転職はリクナビNEXT/求人 仕事探し 転職活動を支援 正社員 求人も 仕事探し 転職サイトで転職 in Action
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"optional function many"
Natsumi Kase
"They don't give me anything my ideal."
"I'm not sure if you can use this app in English, but this is for job research among Japanese companies, you might need to know Japanese language anyway. The app itself helps a lot 😉"
Shuju Inamura
"Great app.thank you very much"
David G
Mykael Tanaka
Fridrik Juliusson
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